Night Visitors
You can’t always be sure with wildlife, who it is you’re feeding.
We are creative, We are old, We are sods. Cos.
You can’t always be sure with wildlife, who it is you’re feeding.
So tired, so weary,
so hard to find sleep.
Could adding a year
have made such difference?
I fear it could.
Drifting mist of cool early dawn
reveals dew-spangled spiderwebs.
Heavy boughs laden with berries
ripe fruits lie fallen beneath.
Warm golden glow of low evening sun
enriches fiery leaf hues.
Soft darkness encroaches, nature nestles
shorter days herald winter’s rest.
A train journey passing through other people’s lives.
Could these be the parallel universes to which scientists allude?
spoils everything
Golden Falls and Geysirs
Jewels and Silver Fish
Ice Caves and Dragons
Black Rock and Brimstone
Contrast of deep rainbow colours of light with pale spectrum of threads.